Charity partners
We have a talented and knowledgeable team of employees who are keen to share a wealth of expertise within our local communities.
To help our employees, we offer 24 hours of volunteering time per year. They can use this to undertake their own personal volunteering, or to contribute to the range of programmes organised by the bank.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes range from one-off employability, enterprise and business planning workshops, to ongoing primary tutoring, adult literacy sessions, mentoring and trusteeships.
Volunteering is another way for our employees to enhance their skills and personal development and, in turn, develop the skills of our local communities. In fact, 80% of our staff in our annual survey attributed improved communication, leadership and people management skills to their involvement in CSR, while more than 70% said they had improved problem solving, time management and adopted new ways of working.
Volunteering is another way for our employees to enhance their skills and personal development and, in turn, develop the skills of our local communities.
Each year, Shelter supports millions of people who are struggling with homelessness or housing issues to defend their right to a safe home, securing the foundation to build their lives on.
UK Fundraising Charity Partner: Shelter
Following the devastating impact of Covid-19, the right to a safe, secure home has never been more important. Yet hundreds of thousands of people are homeless, living in cramped temporary accommodation or sleeping rough. One in three people are impacted by the housing emergency, living in overcrowded, dangerous, unaffordable housing. Each year, Shelter supports millions of people who are struggling with homelessness or housing issues to defend their right to a safe home, securing the foundation to build their lives on.
We have partnered with Shelter to support the #FightForHome through the Getting Real Opportunities of Work (GROW) Programme, which offers 12-month paid placements to people who have experienced homelessness. In their roles, trainees use their lived experiences as a tool to tackle the housing emergency, influencing design of services, and supporting other people affected by housing issues or homelessness to get involved in campaigns, as well as access the support they need to find a safe home.
Throughout our three-year partnership, we will support 15 GROW trainees by funding paid employment and the support they need to overcome barriers to progressing into the workplace through various funding including employee fundraising and matched funding from the SG UK Foundation. The success of the programme means that 90% of trainees will go on to education or full-time work, giving them a chance to rebuild their own lives.
Find out more about our partnership in our podcast: GROW with Shelter.
Clubhouse Gibraltar
Gibraltar Fundraising Charity Partner: Clubhouse Gibraltar
Our funding supports Clubhouse Gibraltar to deliver a work-based programme which gives individuals affected by mental health the opportunities to train and develop their skills to succeed by offering educational workshops and courses - public-speaking, customer service, first aid, mental health first aid, food safety, admin, and hospitality.
Over the course of the next three years, we will fund Clubhouse members to get basic training, update their CVs and offer them skills needed to work in a Transitional Employment Placement (TEP), in order to build their self-confidence and increase their chances of employment.
We will also be funding some of the TEP’s, allowing individuals the opportunity to experience a real paid employment for a period of 6 – 9 months, after which the individual can move into another placement or seek other full or part time work. This programme ensures that everyone can develop to their full potential.
We are funding educational workshops and courses to give individuals affected by mental health the opportunities to train and develop their skills to succeed.
GROW provides mentorship and training for adults with learning disabilities, helping individuals develop self-confidence and life skills, as valued members of the workplace and wider community.
Guernsey Fundraising Charity Partner: GROW
GROW provides training and mentoring for adults with learning disabilities and difficulties, in a safe and stimulating environment. GROW focuses on helping the group increase self-confidence and life skills, enabling them to be included and valued within a workplace and the wider community
Our funding will enable 7 training supervisors to undergo an Award in Education and Training (Level 3) which means they have acquired the necessary skills and knowledge to enable them to teach or train in the further education and skills sector. Initially this will be in horticulture and subsequently in other employment sectors.
The fundraising will provide structure and qualifications to the training helping them to become more employable, build their confidence and ability. This will also help the charity to retain and upskill existing and future supervisors and give individuals the skills they need to succeed in these and future roles. Crew members will have the opportunity to work alongside qualified trainers.
FREEDA's focus on supporting women and children fleeing from domestic abuse in Jersey. Through our partnership we will fund 2 self-development courses for their service users: Journey to Freedom and New Beginning Course.
The ‘Journey to Freedom’ course is a 14-week self-development group process. The group will look at, discuss and learn about the impact domestic abuse can have on women and their children. The ‘New Beginning’ course last 15 weeks and focuses on understanding feelings, self-esteem and empowerment.
Both courses will contribute to increasing the self-esteem, assertiveness and confidence of the women they work with in their own skills and capacities, setting them up for success to re-enter the workforce.
Our teams are raising funds to support the delivery of two self-development courses aimed at developing self-esteem, assertiveness and confidence
The Brilliant Club
Our partnership with The Brilliant Club is a further demonstration of our commitment to being a leading responsible bank with a critical social role to play to encourage social mobility.
Our Partnership with The Brilliant Club
SG Kleinwort Hambros is pleased to announce that it has partnered with The Brilliant Club to co-create educational courses on economics and finance for pupils aged 11-13. These courses will be taught in state schools across the UK, to help young people from underrepresented backgrounds to progress in their education to reach competitive universities.
The Brilliant Club is an education charity with a mission to widen access to selective universities for young students from underrepresented backgrounds. This is achieved by mobilising their PhD researcher community to share their knowledge with pupils in state schools across the UK, either as part-time tutors or classroom teachers.
In England today, only 1 in 50 of the most disadvantaged school leavers progress to a highly-selective university, compared to 1 in 4 of the most advantaged. The Covid-19 pandemic and resulting school closures have only increased the risk that this existing gap will widen even further.
Therefore, in 2021, The Brilliant Club worked with 25,000 pupils through their programmes, including The Scholars Programme, Researchers in Schools (RIS) and the brand new Brilliant Tutoring Programme.
The Scholars Programme - a programme which gives pupils the opportunity to study a course of seven university style tutorials with a PhD researcher - has proven particularly effective. The programmes latest evaluation with the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) has shown that 37% of their graduates progressed to a highly-selective university, compared to 20% of pupils in matched control groups, making Scholars Programme graduates almost twice as likely to progress.
By partnering with The Brilliant Club, SG Kleinwort Hambros is equipping young people with new skills and knowledge, taught in a flexible way. In 2021, SG Kleinwort Hambros’ co-designed course “What is Money” was taught to students aged 11-13 in schools across the UK as part of the Scholars Programme. The course introduced students to the fundamental principles of money, its value, how it has evolved and how it continues to evolve. This went beyond the current Key Stage 3 curriculum, helping students to better understand finance whilst also introducing them to principles that will help them to manage their own finances